Short Stories

Night-time Luck

I found myself drawn to the window as the glow from the moon and newly lit tree magnetized the view. My hands reached for my camera before I could question the idea of taking photographs in the darkness. And, as I opened the slider warm night air– such an eerie feeling for the end of November– welcomed me layer-less and eager to begin this experiment. I don’t have a tripod, I know! So, I instantly walked to the edge of our deck and laid on my belly trying to see if I could get all I wanted in the frame. I wasn’t lucky enough to make that work so I sat on the ground in front of the deck, holding the camera on my knee and tilting it into position.

WPC: Experimental

** This post is part of the Weekly Photo Challenge. This week’s theme is “Experimental”. We were asked to provide images about an experimental experience. A couple weeks ago the school I work for had a teacher in-service day, which meant I didn’t have work and my boys who go to a different school did. I had a day to myself in the middle of the week. That is experimental in itself! (more…)

Flowers On Friday: Star Gazer

My husband was sick on Valentine’s Day so I decided to take my oldest son with me to the store to pick out dessert and flowers. He picked up this stem of Star Gazer lilies first, I almost said no. They are so bold and intense, not really my preferred flower. (more…)

WPC: Weight(less)

Heart in your throat chills
wandering up your neck feet
sweating palms heavy
you have done this
before the wilds around you
call you near
to climb on her back and swim
in her lakes as blue
as the clearest sky you see
your reflection
pushing past the fear
one two three

My husband has a thing for alpine lakes, especially in the Sierra. Our family loves this area, Rock Creek within John Muir Wilderness, and we have hiked and camped here with our boys twice. Both times my boys (husband included) braved the frigid waters and got up to their waist in this lake. The first time we were here only my husband jumped in. (more…)

2015 My Favorites

This year as I look back, is a year of honest growth and reflection. Many of you who follow this blog know that my images don’t feel complete without their words. Most of the time, the image blooms first and as I sit at my computer feeling I have something to say I can see which image I will chose. And, then I begin to look into the image and the words start to drip one by one on to the screen. (more…)

2015 Your Favorites

In 2015 I have posted 185 times, wow. I thoroughly enjoy using photography and words to express myself and it feels really nice to know that you are here, reading and listening. Many of you come back week after week, post after post, offering your support and kind feelings towards my images and thoughts. It is remarkable. Thank you.

I thought I would share the most viewed Weekly Photo Challenge, Monochrome Madness Challenge, Photograph/poem, and story of the year. Tomorrow I will share my own favorites of this year.

Weekly Photo Challenge: The top 15 most viewed posts this year consist of Weekly Photo Challenges and One Four Challenge posts. My number 1 post this year was “Happy Place”.


Monochrome Madness: This challenge has taught me so much about photography, composition and expression. I find my words that accompany my monochrome images are more reflective and emotional. This makes sense since that is how I feel when I look at most monochrome images. The most viewed monochrome post this year was “Black Eyes”.


Photograph/Poem: Although every post of mine usually consists of a photograph and poem, I usually only post one or two a week without a challenge attached to them. These are the posts that I hit the publish button because I am ready to share them. They are not written for anyone but me. The most popular post was “Dragon Scales”.


Short Story: I don’t write short stories very often here. I do enjoy telling stories and I am often inspired to do so when I read Aunt Beulah’s blog, she is a marvelous story teller, poet too. This Thanksgiving my side of the family all celebrated this holiday in separate places around the country. I was longing to feel connected to them and this post easily wrote itself. “The Thanksgiving I am Most Thankful For”.


Did I miss your favorite? If so, please tell me, I would enjoy hearing what your favorites were.I will post my personal favorites of 2015 tomorrow. I am looking forward to sharing those with you and looking back yet again.

Spreading Christmas Cheer

I know I am fortunate, I found someone to build a life with when I was just finishing college. I knew it, within hours of meeting him, that he would impact my life. His fresh sense of humor, ability to create anything and insightful taste in music all paired with his warm hugs. I was struck by his presence and thankfully we have been together ever since. This is our 16th Christmas together. (more…)

The Thanksgiving I am most Thankful For

My grandma knocked on the door, her hair was half curled. The other half was remarkably messy, especially for her. She quickly hugged me then called for my mom inside. I ran out the door to the car to help carry the pies inside.  When I found my grandpa hunkered over the trunk he handed me a pie for each hand, there were more still in the trunk. My grandma was famous, in our family at least, for her pie. These didn’t look right, similar to her hair they were only done on one side and now after the car ride they were also lopsided.

I walked inside carefully with my hands full of pie and found an open place on the counter. Soon the lights flickered and everyone held their breath. It was about two hours before dinner would be served, our house was practically the only one in all of the Seattle area still with power. The winds were fierce and the huge maple leaves went swirling past our windows again and again. Then the lights flickered again and just like that we were all standing in the natural dim light of a blustery Thanksgiving Day.

Before I knew what happened there were candles lit in the kitchen, the adults were in deep discussion about what was already cooked, what needed to still finish cooking and there was a recount for the number of guests coming to dinner. They were all feeling very grateful for deciding to BBQ the turkey, the first time they tried it (I should note this was more than thirty years ago and my parents have cooked their turkey on the BBQ ever since). I don’t remember if it was my sister or myself who reminded my parents it felt like we were camping. This thought sparked an idea that there was a stove in the camper trailer that might work to finish cooking the remaining dishes.

My Dad quickly loaded up, umbrella in one hand and stuffing and a pie in the other, and walked down the path in our yard toward our camper trailer. The remaining dishes, including the gravy were finished over the camp stove. To keep my sister and I busy we were asked to make a centerpiece. It was lighter outside than inside so we collected leaves of every color and brought them inside. We dried them off, found some extra large candles and helped set the table.

The last of the guests arrived, the last of the food was done, the turkey smelled wonderful. We sat down, all 12 or so of us crammed around the dinning room table where there was the best light to eat by. And just as the last of us said what we were thankful for the lights flickered and then stayed on.

I don’t know about anyone else at the table that year but I was disappointed the lights turned on. There was something extra special about sitting around a table of fresh cooked food by candle light with my family. Each of us added something to the feast and we were all so grateful to eat warm food together. In every way, this is my favorite Thanksgiving and I know it always will be.

Light Within

I pulled into the gravel parking lot, noticing the golden hour beginning and a patch of yellow flowers, lit from within. I almost drove into the median, where the clusters of flowers were wildly planted while looking them over and back at the clock. Others were arriving for the meeting too, it wouldn’t start without me since I was leading the discussion I decided.