
Seeing Differently Challenge- 10 of 15

Smooth and wide borrowed
time so little to see it is hard to breathe
but slowly I find the courage to stand
still to allow to open to the winds
and give my lungs what they crave
moisture rich tears sprinkling my face and finally
I am surrounded
with grace (more…)

Trinidad Harbor

Trinidad Harbor, Photo By: Carrie

My boys each commented on how amazing it was to see the water and sky melt into one another yesterday. We were visiting the beach for a picnic lunch just to the north of the this harbor. I have never seen so many boats anchored at the same time here.

In many ways this is how I am feeling about blogging at the moment, in the harbor at anchor. Not really ready to get back out in the seas quite yet. I am enjoying my time with my family, school starts up next week. Our summer has felt mostly wonderful and full. Not busy, just full, just right.

Black Eyes

Photo By: Carrie

Houda Point, Trinidad CA

Staring you down
Don’t get to close, the wilds
Waves rolling

Find a perch, basque
Into the view feeling
The earth is alive beneath you (more…)

2014 at Dusk

Photo By: Carrie


Clam Beach, McKinleyville CA

Reflections on the year are inevitable, for me at least. This morning my mind is flipping through, like an out-of-control Rolodex, all that this past year has offered me. (more…)

Wild Wave

Photo By: Carrie

Mackerricher State Park, Fort Bragg CA

We went down to the beach before the sun was setting when we were camping here a couple of weeks ago. My boys were digging through the dark sand uncovering shells and special rocks. My eyes intensely fixed on this set of beautiful rocks rising up from the ocean floor. (more…)

Follow Up– Where to Crop?

Photo By: Carrie

This was a very useful exercise, I posted on Thursday asking for some help with this image. I realize now, I was so fixed on the rocks and timing the wave splash that I didn’t pay attention to where they were in the frame. Oh, so much to learn… (more…)

Where to crop?

This is a bit of an unconventional post, I guess. I am asking for some help.

I posted these images on my Facebook page yesterday and received some great feedback from friends and family. But, now I think I have more questions than answers. Let me explain.

I took this image on our recent trip to Fort Bragg, at Mackerricher State Park. The sun was setting, it was within the golden hour and the waves and ocean shore were very picturesque.

I am happy with the coloring in the color image and the black and white image is getting there…but I can’t find the right place to crop either of these images. In its original size, it feels like there is too much ocean and sky. The rocks, which I appreciate get lost, to me.

Photo By: Carrie
