
Hope on the Horizon

There is hope in a view
such as this the warmth of the sun the quiet smooth mist
the in and out of the effortless
tides the waving brush celebrating an arrival
to a point where one can see what is expected
of how far reaching
our efforts are encouraged to keep up
where the skies are inviting and the fresh air is sweetly calling
us to be our best to be myself
to be you oh I could marvel staring at all that is beyond
waiting for us ready calling me close and when I am ready
we will continue on (more…)

MMC- Angel

This week’s December theme is “angel”, you can find other monochrome angel’s HERE on Leanne Cole’s blog.

When I was in Portland for a 5 day women’s retreat this past August, the surrounding landscape of the home we were staying in was delicately adorned with angels, fairies, gnomes, animals and other special ornaments. (more…)

Yellow Brick Road

Photo By: Carrie Moonstone Beach, Trinidad CA

Winds of adventure brought me
here the other day as I arrived
my worries were simply carried

away with the meandering little river
reaching the sea with my boys
joyful glee with the sands

feeling like home in between
my toes where the river ends
and the sea goes out (more…)

Life: In Flight

Photo By: Carrie (Heading North from Anchorage)

I feel like I have been away from this platform for long enough. Yet, it has been so long that I don’t know what to share first or how to begin.

The past summer and into these fall months have been so full. Not busy and frantic or anxious and whizzing by. They have been full of hope, love and so much learning. It has been beyond a recharge, more like a shift into a greater understanding of my needs and my families as well. (more…)