
WPC: Silence

A blanket of truth and quiet
a softness that quickly builds the drumming
of your own heartbeat
it begins get louder as you tune in
to the breath
beneath your feet the exhale of the ocean waves
the sky welcoming your gaze it is palpable
and the silence comes in endlessly
seeping between
the cracks of reality and finds a home
in your dreams (more…)

WPC: Wish

From the moment I knew
my body was growing you a wish
began to propagate within my heart a wish
that I knew I must pass on
to you, in no way could I buy speak make or bake
I couldn’t give to you or feel for you
no way to paint, explain, borrow or grow it
there it was and there were you
I see it finding a home within you I see you
doing what your heart tells you, learning

About all the animals of this planet finding
the highest point to get the best vantage point, I see you
opening your voice to the ocean waves
who gladly call back again and again you are small
but you are mighty wise to find your breath
within the Earth’s expansive skies to trust
your own body and what it feels to sense
that there is something beyond what you see
and most importantly you know that you can
find yourself when you are outside

** This post is part of the Weekly Photo Challenge, this weeks theme is “Wish”. You can find more entries, HERE. May we all find our own way to connect with ourselves when we are outside, uninhibited.

Turning Tides

Photo By: Carrie

Luffenholtz Beach, Trinidad CA

So much waiting, contemplating, pushing down the what if’s as far as they will go so as not to talk to me anymore. I knew there would come a turning of the tides, a moment when the stagnant waters would recede making way for everything to release. Like pulling a drain from the tub that silent moment between nothing moving and the whirl of water funneling down the drain. This is where my family has found itself, for 8 months. (more…)


Photo By: Carrie

Trinidad CA

I stood here for over 10 minutes, alone. My car parked just up the road on a tight curve. I stood in the middle of the road taking photograph after photograph of mother nature putting on a show. The ocean below singing in wave length tones. A few minutes into this incredible moment I heard a rustling from behind me. It got louder and louder and I realized it was a mudflow from the steep cliff the road was cut from. Luckily there were lots of trees and bushes breaking its slide, I never saw it, just heard it.