
Book Review: The Color of the Wild

I can remember only a handful of Freshly Pressed blog posts that have moved me to the point of first, reading the entire post and second, clicking “Follow” at the top of the page. Gin Getz’s post was an easy decision, so easy. I have followed her blogging journey for at least a year now.

She is separate from the pack offering her followers, stunning photographs, thoughtful words, and generous story-telling. All, of which is, wrapped up and beautifully executed in each post. I can’t skim her writings, they are not meant to gulp down like a tall glass of water on a hot day. I have realized this is just Gin’s writing and living way. What a treat, an author who honestly makes you slow down, think, ponder, wonder, dream, cry, right along with her words. I find myself wanting to sip each phrase with the same savory thoughtfulness I give to a gorgeous glass of red wine or tea on a winter’s day. She effortlessly makes you dive deep into her words. (more…)

Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure

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This is my treasure, an old (like 50+ years, my Dad remembers it in his house growing up), worn, print on canvas. My grandmother hung this above her fireplace in her home. I would stare at it when I was little and sleeping over for a treat at her house. Me lying on the floor on an old army sleeping bag open-faced, posing as a mattress, soft quilts piled on keeping me warm. The glow of a nightlight giving the snow in this painting just a glimmer of light. (more…)